Widgets, Weasels and Wanderings


While it's been a while, I first started blogging back in 1999. The word came from "weblog" which was a "web log". A log book (aka journal) of thoughts, published on a website.Only myself and two of my internet savvy friends were aware of what a blog was back then,...

Easter period loss

As we approach the Easter period, spare a thought for those who have lost loved ones on or near Easter.For instance, if a family member or close friend had died in years past on a Good Friday, or say the preceding week, when Easter rolls around so too does the...

The Fear Of Failure

Many ideas, opportunities and the potential for greatness, are never realised due to atychiphobia, or what is we know as the fear of failure.We often hear "don't let fear hold you back" but for some it is absolutely crippling.Years ago I heard a phrase "It seems that you have the...

Domains of Ignorance

We discussed in class the other day the subject of the “domains of ignorance”.These are the things we know. And the things we don’t know.I’ve come across a lot of people in life who are “know-it-alls”. And that’s all well and good when they’re an expert in a specific field...

What type of honesty do you value most?

Someone asked me recently, what type of person should they be seeking for a relationship... as in the qualities. And I proceeded to make a list, in point form, of all my own personal attributes.LOK JKObviously high on the list should be honesty. But what type of honesty?I saw a...

Everything including the kitchen sink

The very first post of this blog kicked off with a mention of Seth Godin and his website Squidoo.The purpose of Squidoo was for a writer to take one topic, and a very focused piece of that topic, and get up close and personal with it. To put it under...

I don't have a problem with crying

I don't remember the last time I cried from a physical injury.That's not to say I'm tough or anything. I have let out a string of expletives when bumping a shin or a little toe. But crying from hurting? It's been a while.On the other hand, emotional hurt... you can...

Nonsense, Nerds and Nunchucks

They say that history repeats itself. I guess I'm now at that age where I start to see patterns play out. Life goes around in circles... or maybe it's a downward spiral?I sat in a class today, surrounded by a majority of young folk. I'd call them kids, but I'm...